Natural Cellulite Remedy: “Liposuction in a Jar”
Say “Goodbye” to your Cellulite! This wonderful cellulite product will help you lose cellulite without any need for surgery or complicated diets.
None of us wants to have unsightly cellulite and even though men do not suffer with it, they nevertheless have another fat deposit to contend with and that is the beer belly.
Needless to say, behind every great invention stands a woman, and it was a group of women who approached us frustrated at having spent large sums of money on beauty services and creams that simply didn’t work. These women were looking for an effective product at a reasonable price plus an understanding as to why the cellulite was there.
It took us at Natural Secrets 12 months to come up with an effective natural solution which embraced a blend of essential oils and specialised herbal extracts developed by us. In order to overcome the lag time needed for the essential oils to work which can take as long as six hours, the Transdermaid concept was used. This ensures that the essential oils would go to work very quickly and it explains why women initially experience a cold sensation followed by a warm one after applying the cream.
The herbs that we explored and used are those commonly used in Indian and Mexican cuisine, ‘hot and spicy’ is what dissolves cellulite.

Requiem is the first presentation and really represents a 100gm trial size jar, but even so it will last you at least two weeks and allow you to see and feel the results within 7 days depending upon the severity and extent of your cellulite.
The essential oils and herbs under the guidance of Transdermaid work together to smooth out the apperance of bulges, irregularities and “orange peel” tightening the skin as they go no matter where it appears, hips, thighs, buttocks, arms or abdomen.
Best results are obtained by exfoliating the area first and applying the cream with a firm circular motion after a hot bath, shower or exercise once or twice a day.
Because oestrogens can ‘block’ the action of the cream, it is best to avoid oestrogen rich foods and beer. We recommend that you use the cream for 3 weeks in a row and give it a rest for 7 days then repeat the process as before.